Archive for March, 2014

Insight from a Pastor’s Installation

March 24, 2014

A very close friend of mine with a great deal of pastoral experience has recently come out of retirement. I am delighted for him and the congregation he has been called to serve in Christ. May they all be blessed in our Lord’s grace and mercy. I am also glad to see him back in the role of Pastor, for I know he is like me and will not “really” retire because this is a vocation, not a job in the strictest sense.

Rev. Truffin's Installation Service

Rev. Truffin’s Installation Service

He took a picture at his installation service (which I am using without permission! Ha – love Facebook) of the communion table decorated for the occasion. Now, usually I am not one for a decorated communion – I don’t want to detract from the meaning of the table or confuse people with the words underneath the decorations, but on this day I make an exception. I feel that this table is a great representation of the pastoral calling. And so I dedicate this post to my dear friend, Rev. Terry, since I could not attend the installation service.

The table with the words “This Do In Remembrance Of Me” contains the symbols of our high calling in Christ Jesus. (more…)

Living Leviticus Podcast

March 15, 2014


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I am excited to bring you a new podcast named Living Leviticus (available on iTunes and at the RSS Feed). Leviticus is one of my personal favorite books of the Bible but often gets short shrift by many preachers Sunday mornings. I mean, how can sacrifice and God’s killing of priests while serving in the Temple and prohibitions on poly-blend garments and bacon good for the modern church? Well, that’s exactly what I want to talk about!

This biblical book is a boon of theology concerning how to live out holiness in all aspects of one’s life from the sanctuary, under the sheets, on the streets and at supper. This book is the first one digested by young Jewish minds on purpose. Often people ask where to start reading in the Bible when they become new Christians and I always suggest staying away from Genesis. People like to start at the beginning, but the beginning is all about family fighting, rape, genocide, faithlessness, conniving and the like. Instead of learning about the ways of mankind, let us begin with how to show love, respect and honor to the God to whom you now want to serve with all your heart. The book of Leviticus is the book of the Bible that highlights what God likes in the way of worship and what he expects of his children in living their life before others and with others in the world.

I encourage you to join me on this journey of faith and holiness as we read an ancient books with vast implications for the modern reader. Each podcast will be approximately 10 minutes long. I look forward to this journey through the text and hope you do as well.

Feel free to email any comments of questions you may have or topics in Leviticus you may like to be go deeper on. And sincerely, thank you for listening.